RaktáronNon fluorescent A4 OBA free printing paper
Csak 116 Termék Termékek
Figyelmeztetés: Utolsó tételek a készletben!
Elérhetőség dátuma:
The difference between regular printing paper and OBA free printing paper it`s that the regular paper containts white compounds that are added to the printing surface and the purpose it`s to make the paper appear whiter and brighter than they actually are. The "white" effect cannot absorb ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the ambient lighting or UV lamps/bulbs/keychains and re-emitting it through fluorescence, but OBA free one.
It means that the non-fluorescent OBA paper it`suitable for the invisible UV ink printings/markings.
- compatibility: all inkjet printers;
- size: 210x297 mm (A4);
- density: 100g/m2
Use: works great with invisible ink, revealin, clear deep color images.
This price it`s for 100 Sheets !
Available for Europe only !